Title: The Mercury-Woden Complex
Subtitle: A proposal
Author: GardenStone (Gunivortus Goos)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 176
Dimensions: 148 x 210 x 10mm | 218g
Publication date: 17 Nov 2011
Publisher: BoD
Language: English
ISBN: 9783844807509
Price: € 14,90
It was about two thousand years ago the Roman historian Tacitus reported the Germanics venerated Mercury above all. He meant a Germanic God he equated with Mercury. Because Tacitus didn’t denominate the name of that God, it had to be interpreted. Many centuries later scholars widely agreed that the name of this God must be Woden. Today that opinion is still taken as evidence. This assumption is assayed here on the basis of available primary sources – the result suggests serious doubts about the entrenched view. This book requires the willingness to leave comfortable and well-traveled, often-repeated views to examine unbiasedly apparent ’self-evidence facts‘.
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