Title: Germanic Magic
Subtitle: Runes: Their History, Mythology and Use in Modern Magical Practice
Author: Gunivortus Goos
Format: Softcover
Pages: 496
Dimensions: 169 x 221 x 38mm, 1,076g
Publication date: Sept. 27, 2019
Publisher: BoD
Language: English
ISBN: 9783749497942
Price: € 25,00

The three parts of the book are separated fields and deal with different facets of the runes.
Part 1 gives, among other things, a fair summarizing historical overview, whereby corresponding finds and their possible interpretations are not left out.
Part 2 offers many passages in related mythology and the Norse sagas where runes occur, the corresponding quotes are included.
These two parts form an important foundation for the third part, which deals with the use of runes in modern magical-practical usage.
After decades of study of various western streams and schools of magic and a thorough study of the runes, the author has managed to combine both. The result is a unique modern rune magic, which is presented in the third part of the book.

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