About me: Gunivortus (Guus)
Gunivortus Goos, previously known under his pseudonym GardenStone, is a Dutch and he was born in Groningen, the finest city of the Netherlands, and a place he still sometimes loves to visit. Several decades ago he left his hometown in the north of the Netherlands and even his country, and moved to Germany, where he, after several stations, found his place in a small town in the beautiful Taunus Hills in the German state of Hesse.
Some years ago the author has terminated the use of his alias GardenStone, because it did not provide the privacy expected, and he started to publish under his common name Gunivortus Goos.
Gunivortus (Guus for friends and family), is a writer of (mainly) non-fiction articles and books. Because scientific research concerning topics of the historical Germanic peoples is almost an addiction to him, some of his publications deal with that, others have their focus on specific items that belong to mythology and folklore.
Quite a few of his books are published in the languages English, German and Dutch.
At request he sometimes holds lectures about topics of the fields of interest written about in his books and now and then he is invited in bookstores to autograph there his books.
What’s more to tell about him? That he is fond of white chocolate? That he hates to wear suits and neckties? That, although he loves it to talk to others, to eat and drink together, he in fact is a loner? That he actually should lose weight a bit? That his favorite novels are fantasy, and his favorite music is a wide variety of symphonic / bombastic / folkloristic / lyric metal, rock, country, folk, blues and classical? That in his opinion a day without coffee is a lost day? That he hasn’t a driver’s license? Well, no, these, and many other details surely aren’t of interest for you.
Find his private homepage at “Boudicca’s Bard” (Link in the picture below).