Title: T(h)ing – þing or ðing
Sub-Title: A European Cultural Heritage
Author: Gunivortus Goos
Format: Softcover or eBook
Pages: 516
Illustrations: over 225 illustrations, 182 in color, 48 maps
Dimensions: 17 x 3.2 x 22 cm – 915 g
Publication date: June 14th, 2023
Publisher: BoD
Language: English
ISBN: 9783757806262
Price: € 45,00 (Print) – € 35,99 (eBook)

The historical term “Thing” (spoken as: Ting) refers to popular assemblies, open-air court sessions and parliaments. All three meanings are found in many examples in the book, which includes over 225 illustrations of which 182 in color. In addition, 48 supporting maps are added.
Thing as a juridical court session occurs most frequently, such as in old descriptions like:
“In this judgment seat, on the border of the two parishes, the Thing or Dinc, that is, the assembly of the court participants, gathered to take the oath,” and in:
“The Wood-Thinge were held each time at this farmstead to redetermine the distribution of the march lands. The landlords and their heirs often came from far away to these Wood-Thinge’. Many a nobleman’s carriage, many a high-wheeled cart, and many a peasant’s covered wagon must have stood here.”
Thinge, i.e. public meetings and court sessions, were preferably held under the leafy canopy of the linden tree, because it was believed that the scent of linden blossoms would make the disputants gentle and the judges benevolent. In addition, the linden tree was said to have a great protective effect.
Very many of the presented Thing sites have been preserved and many of them are impressive places to visit.

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